Privacy Policy - Layaway AU it is important to us that we manage your personal information securely and consistently with relevant legislation, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’).

This Policy outlines how LAYAWAY AU LIMITED ABN: 14 767 201 260 and related companies (“we / us”) collect, disclose, use, store or otherwise handle personal information.

This Policy explains:
• The kinds of personal information (including credit-related information) we collect, and the purposes for which we do that.
• How we manage the personal information that we collect about you
• How you can seek access to and correction of that information
• If necessary, how you can make a complaint relating to our handling of that information.

This Policy is not limited to current customers but to all individuals who deal with us.

Read the full Privcay Policy - Click here o view our
Privacy Policy